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EMSA Newsletter - April 2024
Dear ,
Welcome to the latest edition of the Electric Motor Systems Platform (EMSA) Newsletter.
EMSA started its new five-year period (2024 - 2029) in March 2024. During this period, EMSA will work on the following topics:
- International standardisation
- Testing
- Digitalisation
- EMSA tools
- Explore future policy design regarding motor systems
- Demand flexibility in industrial motor systems
- Keep track of technology trends and market evolution.
More on EMSA’s work |
Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems 2024
The next international conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor-Driven Systems will take place from 3 to 5 September 2024 in Lucerne, Switzerland. You can expect three days of intensive discussions with international experts, a joint dinner on 4 September 2024 in a relaxed atmosphere and much more. Register now and secure your place!
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Upcoming webinars with EMSA speakers
The European Copper Institute launched its Motors Academy. During the course of 2024, a number of webinars will be dedicated to updates on policy, market, and technology aspects of industrial motors and e-mobility drivetrains. EMSA representatives will speak at four webinars:
- Konstantin Kulterer (2 July 2024):
How can digitalisation enable savings in motor systems?
- Sandie B. Nielsen (10 September 2024):
Motor Systems Tool
- Maarten van Werkhoven a/o Rita Werle:
Minimum Energy Performance Standards worldwide
- Andrea Vezzini:
Wide-bandgap inverters
Further dates will be announced later. Stay tuned!
More on the Motors Academy Subscribe to the Motors Academy mailing list
IE4: a minimum requirement for electric motors in the European Union and the USA
Motors with a rated output between 75 kW and 200 kW must meet the IE4 efficiency class in the European Union since 1 July 2023. From 1 June 2027, motors in the USA between 100 HP (75 kW) and 250 HP (186 kW) are required to meet IE4 as well. With these regulatory requirements the EU and the USA are the first jurisdictions in the world to require IE4 for certain electric motors, in a similar size range.
See the sections below with more details on the EU and US regulations concerning motor systems.
European Commission regulatory update
- Motors & Variable Speed Drives (EC 2019/1781): from 1 July 2023, motors with a rated output between 75 kW and 200 kW must meet the requirements of efficiency class IE4 (or better). A review of the regulation was due in 2023 but delayed in view of competing priorities. It is expected to kick off in the course of 2024.
- Circulators (EC 641/2009): Impact Assessment paused due to competing priorities, to be resumed in due time with a view to a possible adoption by the end of 2026.
- Pumps (EC 547/2012): Impact Assessment received positive opinion and will be revised with a view to address the comments received. Further steps expected in 2024 with possible adoption in 2025.
- Fans (EC 327/2011): The final text of the review has been approved by the Regulatory committee in January 2024. Adoption and publication are expected by mid-2024, after scrutiny by EU Parliament and Council.
- Air Compressors: no new requirements are foreseen in near future.
More information |
USA regulatory update
Electric motors
- The Department of Energy (DOE) published a final rule regarding test procedures for electric motors on 19 October 2022. It expands scope, adds definitions, an appropriate metric, and test procedures for air-over electric motors, electric motors greater than 500 horsepower, electric motors considered small, inverter-only electric motors, and synchronous electric motors. Representations on motor efficiency are required to be made in accordance with new test results beginning 17 April 2023, although DOE granted extensions until 17 September 2023 for manufacturers requesting an extension.
- DOE published a direct final rule regarding energy conservation standards for electric motors on 1 June 2023. It requires IE4 as the minimum level for motors between 100 and 250 HP and new standards for air-over motors and motors between 500 and 750 HP. Compliance with the new standards is required on and after 1 June 2027.
- DOE published a Federal Register notice of proposed rule pertaining (NOPR) to energy conservation standards for expanded scope electric motors, within the 0.25 – 3 hp range (including air-over motors) that are not already covered by the “small electric motors” regulations, on 15 December 2023.
Small electric motors
- DOE has published a notice of proposed determination pertaining to energy conservation standards for small electric motors on 6 February 2023. DOE has initially determined that amended standards for small electric motors would not be cost-effective, and, thus, is not proposing to amend its standards for this equipment.
Dedicated-purpose pool pump motors
- DOE published a final rule pertaining to energy conservation standards for this equipment on 28 September 2023. Compliance with the new standards is required on and after 29 September 2025 and 28 September 2027 respectively.
- DOE published a final rule pertaining to test procedures for pumps on 24 March 2023. Representations on pump efficiency are required to be made in accordance with new test results beginning 20 September 2023. DOE published a notice of data availability pertaining to energy conservation standards for pumps on 11 August 2022.
Circulator pumps
- DOE published a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing energy conservation standards for circulator pumps on 6 December 2022. DOE published a final rule concerning a test procedure for circulator pumps on 19 September 2022.
Dedicated-purpose pool pumps
Fans and blowers
- DOE published a notice of proposed rulemaking pertaining to energy conservation standards for fans and blowers on 19 January 2024. Comments are accepted until 19 March 2024.
- DOE published a final rule to establish a test procedure for fans and blowers, including air circulating fans, on 1 May 2023. DOE established FEI as the metric to evaluate fan performance, other than air circulating fans. The effective date is 31 May 2023.
Air compressors
Rebate program
More information |
IEC Guide 118:2024 just published
IEC ACEE has published the IEC Guide 118:2024 Preparation of basic and group energy efficiency publications including energy efficiency aspects. The Guide intends to support the work of all Technical Committees (TCs) on their work on energy efficiency publications within their specific scope. It defines procedures for the preparation and revision of basic (referring to a product) and group (referring to a group of products) energy efficiency publications.
The main changes with respect to the previous edition are: a) Merging of IEC Guide 118 edition 1 with IEC Guide 119 edition 1 (the new edition cancels and replaces these documents) b) Elimination of duplication c) Addition of definitions.
More information |
IEC JAG22 provides input to the update of EMSA’s Motor Systems Tool
Armin Hauer, the Convenor of JAG 22, talks in an interview about the goals and current activities of JAG 22. These include providing input and critique for the update of EMSA’s Motor Systems Tool.
The IEC’s advisory committee for energy efficiency, the ACEE, brought the IEC and ISO together to form the Joint Advisory Group 22 (JAG 22) Optimized Energy and Power Consumption of Electric Driven Machine Units.
JAG 22 was set up to facilitate the exchange and coordination between ISO and the IEC in the field of all types of electric driven machine units. Consisting of 30 key experts from more than 10 countries, it works to identify any coordination issues, proposed solutions, arrange discussions and provide guidance. JAG 22 acts as a catalyst between the various technical committees that are responsible for their own specific components.
Read interview
Stay tuned: EMSA publications coming up on the digitalisation of motor systems
EMSA is about to publish the following:
- Concrete examples from different countries on how digital solutions enable savings
- Technical recommendations for pumps, fans, compressors
- Analysis of the energy consumption due to the digitalisation of motor systems
- Summary report for policy makers with key findings on the digitalisation of motor systems
More on EMSA’s work on the digitalisation of motor systems |
EMSA is the Electric Motor Systems Platform of the International Energy Agency's Technology Collaboration Programme on Energy Efficient End-use Equipment 4E. Currently Australia, Austria, Denmark, European Commission, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, USA and Switzerland participate actively in EMSA. Canada, China, France, Japan, Korea and the United Kingdom participate in other 4E Platforms.
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